- イベント

As previously reported, bottled water has been provided to The Salvation Army’s Japan Territory from Korea. The Salvation Army World Services Organisation (SAWSO) in the USA is organising a delivery of blankets and has arranged for samples of food packages to be sent to territorial leaders who will then have the option to order any if needed.
There has been a considerable financial response to The Salvation Army’s Japan Disaster Appeal from around the world. The Japan Territory believes funds already available in-country will cover the costs of the current response and that money raised from around the world will enable a medium to long-term response. The territory is considering building temporary accommodation and providing household goods and equipment but these plans are still at the early stages.
Commissioner Makoto Yoshida, The Salvation Army’s Territorial Commander in Japan, is grateful for the practical and spiritual support that has been offered from across the world.
He reports that commuters in Tokyo who were given food, drink and shelter at territorial headquarters on the night of the earthquake have sent letters of thanks, some including a donation for the relief work.
Donations to the Japan Disaster Fund can be made online by clicking on the button below:
>>Japan Disaster Fund