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Due to the linear rainbands that occurred in Kyushu and Tohoku, numerous houses were flooded, causing significant damage. The Salvation Army, in cooperation with the Kyushu Christ Disaster Relief Center, is providing assistance to the affected areas.
To support these efforts, we are accepting donations online through Online Christmas Kettle. The received funds will be used for tasks such as removing mud from flooded houses, replacing tatami mats, and carrying out disinfection work.
We sincerely appreciate your kind support in this endeavor.
オンライン社会鍋へ Online Donation7月初頭、線状降水帯が各地で発生し、各地に甚大な被害をもたらしました。特に九州北部、秋田県内の被害は大きく、支援が必要な状況です。
福岡県久留米市田主丸町へは、豪雨直後から九州キリスト教災害支援センター(以下「九キ災」と表記)が九キ災大牟田事務所(旧救世軍大牟田小隊会館)を拠点とし、物資、泥かき等の支援を始めました。救世軍では、この支援に使うサーキュレーター等の物資、専門的知識と技術をもったスティーブン中橋氏(石巻クリスチャンセンター)の約1カ月にわたる現地での活動のための資金を、中央災害資金から支弁することとしています。また、福岡小隊士官松末泰志大尉(防災士) は、八幡小隊、西日本連隊本部、災害対策室との連携のもと、九キ災の支援活動に参加しています。八幡小隊からは、猛暑の中、支援活動を続けている方々のために、田主丸町同様に浸水被害が出ている大橋校区コミュニティセンターに麦茶を届ける活動も行っております。
In early July, linear rainbands occurred in various regions, causing extensive damage. Particularly, the damage in northern Kyushu and within Akita Prefecture was severe, and the situation calls for support.
To Kuroiwa-cho, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the Kyushu Christ Disaster Relief Center (referred to as “Kyukisai” hereafter) established its base at the Kyukisai Omuta Office (former Salvation Army Omuta Corps Hall) and began providing aid such as supplies and mud removal. The Salvation Army has decided to fund the materials, including fans, required for this support and the approximately one-month on-site activities of Mr. Steven Nakahashi (Ishinomaki Christian Center) with specialized knowledge and skills from the Central Disaster Fund. Additionally, Captain Hiroshi Matsumatsu of the Fukuoka Corps (Disaster Prevention Expert), is participating in the support activities of Kyukisai in coordination with the Yahata Corps, West Japan Divisional Headquarters, and the Emergency Service Office. The Yahata Corps is also delivering barley tea to the Ohashi District Community Center, which is experiencing flood damage, to support those continuing their relief efforts amid the scorching heat.
On the other hand, Akita Prefecture is facing extensive flooding. In response to a local request, Mr. Steven Nakahashi of the Ishinomaki Christian Center has decided to lend his 2-ton truck, which he owns, to the disaster-stricken areas in Akita Prefecture. There are costs involved in preparing the truck for delivery, and the Salvation Army has decided to cover these maintenance expenses as it proves to be more economical than renting a truck.
The Salvation Army has decided to provide a total of one million yen in support from the Central Disaster Fund for the continuous relief efforts following the series of heavy rain disasters. Despite the prolonged duration and challenging conditions amid scorching heat, the organization remains committed to its relief activities. We are also conducting an online fundraising campaign to gather support from the community. Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated.
オンライン社会鍋へ Online Donationあなたの支援で