Q.What is The Salvation Army?
A.The Salvation Army is an international Christian church and a United Nations NGO, working in more than 130 countries worldwide. We provide support in evangelism, medical care, social welfare, education, community development, disaster relief, and assistance for victims of human trafficking.
Q.What kind of activities does The Salvation Army usually engage in?
A.We operate more than 14,000 mission centers, over 3,500 social welfare facilities, more than 200 hospitals, clinics, and hospices, over 400 addiction recovery programs, and more than 2,800 kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, universities, vocational schools, schools for the blind, and boarding schools worldwide. Additionally, we provide homeless support, prison ministry, counseling, assistance in locating missing persons, employment support, disaster relief, refugee support, community development, aid for victims of human trafficking, and fair trade initiatives.
Q.Why does The Salvation Army use a military-style structure?
A.Inspired by the words of 2 Timothy 2:3 in the New Testament, “Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus,” The Salvation Army was established to fight against social evils, act swiftly, and save souls.
Q.How can I participate in The Salvation Army's activities?
A.We are always looking for volunteers. Please contact the Territorial Headquarters (main office) for more details. Additionally, everyone is welcome to attend Sunday services at Corps locations nationwide. We sincerely welcome your visit.
Q.What is life like for people in The Salvation Army?
A.Many people in The Salvation Army serve as volunteers, employees, soldiers (believers), or officers (pastors). They share the same mission: serving others, motivated by God's love. A soldier is someone over the age of 14 who has faith in Jesus Christ, has completed the Enrollment Ceremony (equivalent to baptism), and voluntarily chooses to abstain from alcohol and smoking. Soldiers participate and serve at their local Corps on weekends while living as students, professionals, or homemakers.
Q.How is The Salvation Army organized?
A.The Salvation Army’s International Headquarters is in London, U.K., led by the General (supreme leader). The world is divided into five zones (Europe, Americas, Africa, South Asia, and South Pacific & East Asia). Each country has its own territorial headquarters, overseen by a Territorial Commander. Japan belongs to the South Pacific & East Asia zone and has its headquarters in Jimbocho, Tokyo. Through the Salvation Army Religious Juridical Persons and the Salvation Army Social Welfare Legal Persons, we operate four divisions, 41 Corps, two hospitals, and 19 social welfare facilities.


Q.How are the funds from donations used?
A.Funds are used to support domestic and international missions, medical care, social welfare, education, community development, disaster relief, and assistance for victims of human trafficking conducted by The Salvation Army.
Q.What is the Supporters Club? Is there a membership fee?
A.All Salvation Army activities are supported by generous donors. We encourage those who support our mission to join the Supporters Club for long-term support. Membership fees range from 1,000 yen to 100,000 yen. For details, please visit the “About Supporters Club” page.
Q.How can I withdraw from the Supporters Club or cancel recurring donations?
A.You can unsubscribe online at any time via the Supporters Club Page using the “Withdrawal Form.” You can also cancel your membership by calling the Supporters Club Office.